This section will be dedicated to the common questions asked by members. Check here before calling your local or Council office to ask a question. Chances are, if you have a question, another member has had the same question in the past. Save yourself some time and look here first.
Can I set up the WV Carpenter as my Home Page?
Most web browsers allow you to choose a home page, or a page that the browser will automatically open up to when it is started. You can choose to set your home page as the WV Carpenter if you want to. In Internet Explorer click “tools” and then click “Internet Options”. On the “General” tab you will see an area that is titled “Home Page”. Enter into the address field and click apply. Then close the window. When you start Internet Explorer next time, your opening page will be the WV Carpenter. Your browser may differ but most will allow this setting in some form.
Can I use email to place my name on the out of work list?
As of right now, No. We still maintain our work lists the old fashion way…in person and by telephone. However, you may talk to your representative and ask if that may be an option for you. The policy right now is that everyone MUST place their name on the work list IN PERSON. Then, you can renew your name after the allotted time by phone.
Can I use email to contact my Service Representative?
Yes. Each and every Service Representative has email. They all check their email frequently. Often, email is the best way to get in touch with them. While they may not be in their offices due to business, they may have access to their email and will be able to reply easier to an email than a lengthy phone call. Look at the “Contact” page of the WV Carpenter to find contact information for each Service Representative.
What should I do if I go into another Local's Jurisdiction to Work?
CHECK IN! You must check in to the Local which has jurisdiction over the area in which you are working. Without exception. It is common courtesy to notify the Service Representative that you are there. Besides, it goes against our Constitution to not check in. You can find the contact number of every Local on the “Contact” page of this web site. Please help our Representatives police their areas.
How do I find out what Training Opportunities are available in my area?
You can find out what training is available in several different ways. You can call the Training Center at 866-428-1891. You can visit your local union hall as many of the training courses are posted there. You can look in your newsletter. And you can look at the training calendar on the website in the member area.
How do Prevailing Wage laws affect me?
Prevailing wage laws help to level the playing field on publicly funded projects. They help to stabalize construction costs. However, many groups are against Prevailing Wage laws. One big misconception is that Prevailing Wage is UNION wage. This is not true.
Carpenters Health – Information for Members
This section is designed to help our members get answers to their questions about the health insurance program. The questions listed on the FAQ (frequently asked questions) sheet are the most commonly asked questions. There is also a brief benefit sheet that outlines the basic benefits provided by our program.